General Interests
- A Chef's Table [Real Player]
In a networked world where computer viruses can spread as fast as the news about James Frey's fabricated roman a clef, it's important to have effective and thorough antivirus software installed. This latest version of the Avast program is just such a piece of software, and it's one that is worthy of time and consideration. With this latest version, users can select which parts of their computer they wish to scan and they can also scan downloaded files and emails. This version is compatible with computers running Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
Started in 1974 by the American scholar Frederick Burkhardt, the Darwin Correspondence Project has been scouring the globe to find all of the letters written by (and to) Charles Darwin. So far, they have collected over 14,500 letters and they have placed transcripts of thousands of these letters online on this very fine site. Currently there are about 5000 digitized (and searchable) letters available here. They include all of the surviving letters from his rather momentous voyage on the Beagle and all of the letters from the years around the publication of Origin of Species in 1859. The site also contains thematic collections of letters that deal with Darwin's evolving thoughts on religion, science, ethics, and the very boundaries of science and religion. Without a doubt, this is a site that will warrant several visits and for anyone with a penchant for the history of science this site is one that will be most welcome.
The potential within the human mind and its connection to the rest of the human body is a subject that has consumed many of the world's brightest scientists. The Mind Science Foundation, founded by Thomas Baker Slick, is a place that is intimately concerned with such matters, and their website is a good way to learn about some of the issues surrounding their work and broader notions about how consciousness arises in human beings. It's a tall research order, and the website responds admirably by presenting a number of speeches from experts on the subject, along with links to the results of various research endeavors sponsored with funds from the Foundation. The site also contains an interactive database of researchers who are working in the area of consciousness and a library of books that might be of interest to those looking for additional resources.
- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Last reviewed in the Scout Report on December 2, 1997)
Theodore Roosevelt was a man who preached and lived the strenuous life, and amidst all of his political activities and hunting expeditions, he also found time to write quite a bit. Working from a volume published by Columbia University Press in 2002, has seen fit to place works from this book online here at this site. Visitors can use the search engine to look for specific items, or they can just browse around at their leisure. Visitors can look over such classic works as "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman", "The Rough Riders", "Through the Brazilian Wilderness", and of course, "The Strenuous Life" from 1900. The site also includes an early biography of Roosevelt by Charles Roscoe Thayer and a bibliography of Roosevelt's writings to 1920.
- : Nonfiction
Maps remain a powerful way to represent the world in all its spatial glory, and this online exhibit from The Field Museum explores the history of maps and their history over the millennia. Designed to complement an ongoing exhibition at the Museum, the site includes a photo gallery, information about the participating institutions, and about researchers at the Museum who use maps and mapping technology in their own work. The interactive feature is definitely worth a look, as visitors can examine two dozen different maps in detail from Chicago to the Marshall Islands. This remarkable site could also be used in classrooms to expose students to the wide variety of maps that have been created by human hands.
Professors Joe Lau and Jonathan Chan at the University of Hong Kong have created this site to help both teachers and students in this endeavor. Working with a grant from the government of Hong Kong's University Grants Committee, the two have created this website to provide access to over 100 free online tutorials on critical thinking, logic, scientific reasoning, and creativity. The homepage includes a brief introduction to critical thinking and access to the main modules, which are divided into thematic areas such as values and morality, strategic thinking, and basic logic. Visitors can also view the Chinese version of this site, download class exercises, and even take on "the hardest logic puzzle in the world."
One of the oldest collections of wise quotes, proverbs and sayings gathered from all over the world.