Computer Use Policy

Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Computer Use Policy

The use of the AUN Library public access computer resources signifies that the user has read and understood this policy and will comply with it in all respects.

Access to and use of the AUN Library's public computing resources is a privilege provided to the students, faculty, and staff of AUN and other community users for scholarly, research, academic, and administrative purposes. The AUN Library's public access computing resources shall be used in a manner consistent with the instructional, research, and administrative objectives of the academic community in general and with the purpose for which such use of resources and facilities is intended.

All activities inconsistent with these objectives, such as chat rooms, games, personal e-mail, word processing, or graphic websites that violate other campus policies (e.g., Sexual Harassment Policies) or local, state or federal laws are considered to be inappropriate and may jeopardize a user's privileges with respect to the use of the AUN Library's public access computing resources.

Appropriate use of personal e-mail and word processing are allowed.

Users of the AUN Library are expected to use computer resources in an effective, efficient, appropriate, ethical, and legal manner. AUN students, faculty, and staff have first priority in the usage of library computers.

Each user agrees to make appropriate use of computing resources including, but not limited to:

1. Respecting the intended purposes of computing resources, facilities, and equipment (for scholarly, research, academic, administrative and other legitimate library purposes.)

2. Respecting the boundaries of the resource controls of the systems, (i.e. no hacking, etc.).

3. Respecting the copyright protection of licensed software and documentation.

Each user agrees to refrain from inappropriate uses of computer resources, including but not limited to:

1. Using computing resources, facilities, and equipment for commercial gain, chat rooms, games, personal e-mail, word processing or graphic websites that violate other campus policies (e.g., Sexual Harassment Policies) or local, state or federal laws.

2. Intentionally seeking information on, obtaining copies of, modifying, or tampering with files, passwords, or any type of data belonging to other users unless specifically authorized to do so by those other users.

3. Violating any computer use or network-related policy set by the University.

4. Altering or avoiding accounting for the use of computing resources, facilities, and equipment.

5. Making excessive use of resources, controlled or otherwise.

6. Sending obscene, abusive, harassing, or threatening messages to any other individual.

7. Engaging in vandalism or mischief that incapacitates, compromises, or destroys the AUN Library's computing resources.

8. Users are not allowed to download or install software on Library computers without permission.

9. Users are not allowed to make changes to computer settings or configurations except for those permitted by the Library.

Violations of this computing resources policy will be handled according to the established disciplinary procedures of AUN

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